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Topics - gertjanus182

Songteksten / Eigen song
12 februari 2007, 17:58:21
Heeeyz mensen, ik schrijf veel songs, en zou graag wat feedback van jullie krijgen! Dus vertel me ff wat je er van vind  _O_

Dear You

Freaking out
This is my own way to go on without,
Those sick making story's about a rain off nasty words
That probably fall down on you
Just don't bore me with that shit

I hate it to say but I have to
And you have to listen to me this one time
Your good looking face has turned into,
A damn ugly black day
And there's nothing you've learned
Off the lesson I gave you
So please bore yourself with you

Nasty words like I hate you,
Is what you said to me
But you dind't dare to leave me
Cause you're afraid of being alone
Now it's my turn to scream
It's my turn to say what you should do

I hate it to say but I have to
And you have to listen to me this one time
Your good looking face has turned into,
A damn ugly black day
And there's nothing you've learned
Off the lesson I gave you
So please bore yourself with you

So it's over, your done
Your game ends here
To me it's just great
Cause I'm feeling butterflies
On a sunny day for someone else

I hate it to say but I have to
And you have to listen to me this one time
Your good looking face has turned into,
A damn ugly black day
And there's nothing you've learned
Off the lesson I gave you
So please bore yourself with you