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Senses Fail

Gestart door *_Paddo, 21 juli 2006, 16:49:58

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Ken ze niet... wil ik ook niet...
3 (75%)
Ik ken ze wel.... maar ik vind ze ongelovelijk slecht
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Totaal aantal stemmen: 4

Stemmen gesloten: 21 juli 2006, 16:49:58


Senses Fail is a Ridgewood, New Jersey based post-hardcore band that draws heavily from the punk, emo, hardcore, screamo and pop-rock genres. The band is influenced by many spiritual beliefs, which manifest themselves in their lyrics and musical themes.

Their first release, on August 16, 2002, was a six-track EP on ECA Records, From the Depths of Dreams. This was re-released on April 29, 2003, on Drive-Thru Records, with two extra tracks. Their first full-length album, Let It Enfold You, was released on September 7, 2004 on Vagrant Records. It, too, was re-released, with five bonus tracks; three acoustic versions of songs on "Let It Enfold You", a new track named "American Death" and a cover of the song "Institutionalized", which was originally by Suicidal Tendencies.

On April 4th, 2006, Senses Fail announced that they had begun pre-production on their next album, and that they would be going into the studio to begin recording on May 1st, with producer Brian McTernan. The band announced on June 16th, 2006 that they had completed recording the album, and that it is currently being mixed and mastered by Chris Lord-Alge. The name of the album will be Still Searching, and it is scheduled for release on October 3rd.

wie wie is weet ik niet precies ;)

leden xD
James "Buddy" Nielsen - Vocals
Garrett Zablocki - Guitar/Backing vocals
Mike Glita - Bass/Backing vocals  
Dan Trapp - Drums

mijn persoonlijke favo's:
Handguns and Secound Changes
Buried a Lie
Slow Dance
Tie Her Down
You're Cute When You Scream

naj download maar wat van ze als je ze nog niet kent... en vertel ff wat je dr van vind... :)
color=deeppink]TRALALA....:') [/color]


nog NOOOOOOIT van gehooorrrd
Metal up your ass!


hmm... en je wil ze ook niet kennen? O-)
color=deeppink]TRALALA....:') [/color]


ook niet gehoord.. *gaat even downloaden*..
Darkness descends.. everyone dies!


het doet me ergens aan denken.. maar.. nouja, niet echt leuk, vind ik..
Darkness descends.. everyone dies!


Citaat van: "*_Paddo"hmm... en je wil ze ook niet kennen? O-)

ik heb niet de aandrang om nu direkt te gaan downloaden :P mischien zijn ze wel goeeed
Metal up your ass!


Ken ze niet, en ze klinken me ook niet echt lokkend in de oren..


dat bedoel ik ook :)
Metal up your ass!


ik zal eens gaan downloaden


Metal up your ass!



tenzij je legaal download :Y
Metal up your ass!


ik heb het recht om te zwijgen. alles wat ik nu zeg kan tegen me gebruikt worden ;)

Neenee dit wordt gevaarlijk :P


Metal up your ass!
