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Berichten - moesje

over liefde :

-Crazy little thing called love.
-Alles gaat voorbij maar niets gaat over.
-You and me there's nothing better.
-Did you ever know that you're my hero.
-You're everything I wish I could be.
-You're the colours in my black and white world.
-Whitout saying a word, you can light up the dark.
-I keep waiting until you come. But where you not already there if you really care about me?
-I waited but now you're there. I feel the butterflies in my belly.
-Sometimes you just have to follow your heart and see where it takes you
-and everytime i see you , i fall in love a little more.

over leven :

-forget and forgive, cause remember, you only have one life to live.
-Life ain't always what it seems, So grab it by the balls and do you best before it leaves!
-Before you find your prince , You've got to kiss a lot of Frogs.
-The grass is greener on the other side.

veel plezier ermee.

ps ; sorry dat het lang niet allemaal uit songteksten zijn.