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Topics - jordiman1991

Songteksten / Doodlez
17 maart 2011, 20:09:27
She has eyes like the stars..
And a smile that can shine..
She's as tough as can be but with a heart made out of glass..

I can call her my angel..
I can call her my everything..
But above all I can call her mine..

She's the love of my life..
She's the life I wanna live..
She's the sunshine in my heart..
She's the wordst nightmare of my depressions..

In the future we will be back together, just me and you..
And there's something dumb I wanna do..
I think the only possible thing is for me to marry you..

I don't wanna lose you, I don't wanna cry..
Never be affraid that I will tell you goodbye..

Through distance and time, you will always be mine..

Ik hou van je ;) xx